British lightweight boxing champion alex reed and milk god Jordan's marriage has come to an end, gossip of British tabloids disclosure, leading to split the main reason incredibly because reed's with fertility problems. He spent more than a year want Jordan get pregnant, but has not been successful. 3 edition girl special bought a French a bull mastiff irony redd, think he even the dogs are all not equal to.
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Doing boxer, reed taking too much can help muscle strapping glamazonian drugs, but these drugs can cause spermatozoon active degrees were decreased, the reed and without thinking too much. Understanding, after the two most Jordan time wears on the bed, reed's been trying to make lacteal god pregnant, but nearly a year never work. Later, redd look natural way, no, and consider test-tube baby strategy, but also failed.
What's even worse, this kind of practice is for Jordan violent put-downs, edition girl special bought a male of France a bull mastiff, used for irony reed in bed, "hard", she said: "mean well, dogs or more like my good friend, alex don't he even let me pregnancy can do, so I can buy a puppy, when the child alternative." This to reed is simply a fatal blow Jordan also told his close friend, she let this pet dog instead of reed at home status.
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From confirm boxer can't make themselves after getting pregnant, Jordan began to implement abstinence strategy, he has two weeks without sex life, Jordan tell reed: "my body need to rest, so don't let anyone else, including you!" But turned away and went out, the edition girl with another man dating, and she successive a few times all night doesn't return. The limit of reed privately with friends irony Jordan is chi troppo vuole nulla stringe.
But in the face of the breasts of god, reed is still a pair of trying to ingratiate himself appearance, because he doesn't want to divorce, even in her husband's identity for Jordan care pet dog is also willing. Besides, is now his fertility problems, since indefensible, also can resigned.