The cause of the peak from the "iron Nike Chaussures Homme Tyson" to retire before the fall into a "beast Tyson," the former world boxing champion Mike Tyson, 7, into the International Boxing Hall of Fame. This together with Airshoes Tyson into the International Boxing Hall of Fame along with Mexican champion, has won world titles at three levels of Chavez, born in Russia, famous Coase good. Together with the three fighters named "celebrity" There are a result of boxing trainer Berry Vista, boxing, boxing referee Cortez and screenwriter, famous American movie star Sitai Long. Tyson then quickly boarded their iron fist on top of world boxing. After be famous, especially late in the athletic career, he spent time for rape prison, but also because in 1997 the title of champion and Holyfield will fight for the other ear was bitten off a piece of media as a "beast." Brophy Hall of Fame executive director, said this is the first boxing Hall of Fame announced 22 appeared in the "celebrity." They planned for next June 9 to 12 located in the Hall of Fame at the U.S. Air Shoes of "celebrity" in the entry hall activities.